This Month at the compass our KS4 students (Year 10s and 11s) have been doing their functional skills exams in Maths and English. This gives pupils the opportunity to gain a formal qualification at either level 1 (GCSE grade 1-3 equivalent) or level 2 (GCSE grade 4+ equivalent) that can support their entry into their chosen college courses. These are designed to allow students to demonstrate a more real-life application of these areas and gives students a more accessible way of gaining a level 2 qualification. It was also KS4's parents evening, a chance for our students and their parents to meet with their teachers and discuss curriculum matters and progress. Also attending were Mickey Matthews from the Department of Work and Pensions and Gaynor Howlett from Weymouth College to give students and parents some insight into their future learning. Parents evening for KS3 (Years 7,8,9) is on the 5th of March 2020 from 3.30pm till 6.00pm. All appointments for parents to meet with Teachers and staff can be made via email or by calling the office. We look forward to seeing you.
Along with our typical core school curriculum, at The Compass we encourage our students to explore their individual talents and build their confidence in others areas of their school week. While that is often highlighted through enrichment on Friday afternoons , we also see this shine in our various previsions and qualifications provided to our students, be that Catering with Jan or Outdoor education/Bush craft with the A2Z Team.
Each week, along side our point system that determines what tier activity our students can attend during enrichment (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Blue), all staff vote for our 'Student of the Week'. These students have either behaved exceptionally, really impressed staff in a certain subject, produced incredible work or maybe all of the above. Whilst we do not draw too much attention to these students in and around centre, 'Student of the Week' comes with the bonus of an 'up status', raising their status tier by one level, so if they were bronze, the would be silver ect
In this new monthly roundup we will be sharing with you our 'Students of the Week' throughout month. Our February Students of the week were Lacy in 10.2, Shannon in 11.2, Paris 10.2 and Brook in 11.3. Well done to all of you!
In other news to partake in the Dorset Youth Summit, our Life Skills teacher accompanied by one of our TA's took two of our year 10 girls, Lacy and Arianna, to The Youth Voice Summit at Dorchester Plaza. This event was to showcase young peoples well being and happiness all over Dorset using locally produced films created by School and College age students. It was also an opportunity for them to meet local candidates standing for the youth election and have an influence on their decision making.
Next month our year 10 and 11 students will be visiting the Tank Museum in Bovington on the 18th of March 2020 for the 'Big Bang' event. This event is open to parents and students in the evening from 5pm to 7.30pm to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in careers.
On a final note, one of out Teachers, Emily, Will be jumping out of a plane at 15,000ft to conquer her fear or heights and raise money for two amazing causes. Read more about her jump in the link below.